that shapes
the future of living

A cluster in which AI, robotics and automation enhance productivity and generate world-class solutions across various industries.

Our strengths include utilizing advanced technologies like metaverse, edge computing, LLM (Large Language Models), machine vision and sensor technology.

Decades-long legacy and expertise in applied ICT, data platforms, creating powerful engines and implementing modern welding automation techniques opens numerous possibilities to new companies.

The business life as well as the top-level research conducted in the region’s universities support digital transformation in industries like automotive and maritime.

The TechCampus Turku promotes technology education and research in the four higher education institutions of Turku, i.e. the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Turku University of Applied Sciences and Novia University of Applied Sciences.

The campus unites the resources of the higher education institutions to support the product development and innovation activities of the local companies.

We are here to help you, so give us a call or send a message!

Timo Huttunen
Network Manager, TechTurku
Business Turku Ltd.

+358 40 719 2335